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Learning what it takes to be top of mind. Here's where I share my writing, podcast, and thoughts.
Stewart Hillhouse

Is Podcasting Right For You with Craig Hewitt

Podcasting is having a moment in 2020, but what does the future hold for this unique channel? Craig Hewitt joins Stewart Hillhouse to explore what the future could look like for podcasting and whether it's the right channel for you. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Craig Hewitt πŸ’ͺ What They Do: Craig

Stewart Hillhouse

You Can’t Catch Waves From The Beach

When I was working out West for the summer, a group of us took a long weekend off and drove to Tofino, British Columbia. The beaches of Tofino are known for the best surfing in Canada. After renting surfboards and wetsuits, the instructor taught us how to get up on

Stewart Hillhouse

People Don't Buy Commodities, They Buy Feelings

It’s a mistake to think that people get value from your product alone. Your product may be what your customer says they want, what you spend all day crafting, and what you eventually deliver to them. But it's not where the true value exists. No one is in love

Stewart Hillhouse

Shipping 30 Atomic Topics in 30 Days

Starting on November 16 I’ll be publishing one short article a day for 30 days. I was in eager to participate for a few reasons: Atomic TopicsIn preparation for shipping 30 pieces of writing in 30 days, the organizer Dickie Bush recommended positioning your writing as Atomic Topics. I

Stewart Hillhouse

How To Host A Killer Virtual Event with Yaw Aning

If you want to throw a digital conference or event, you're going to need to go above and beyond to stand out. Yaw Aning joins Stewart Hillhouse to share how he pulled off one of the best virtual summits of the year. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Yaw Aning πŸ’ͺ What They

Stewart Hillhouse

The Reality Of Marketing A Startup with Lucy Heskins

Working at a startup is very different than any other working experience out there. In many cases, you have to market something that isn't necessarily built yet. Lucy Heskins joins Stewart Hillhouse to share her experience of using marketing content as a way to validate product-market fit early on. Who's

Stewart Hillhouse

Mastering The Attention Economy with Ari Lewis

Attention is now one of the most valuable assets going. Without knowing how to get it, your ideas will struggle to get off the ground. Ari Lewis joins Stewart Hillhouse to teach him all he's learned about the Attention Economy. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Ari Lewis πŸ’ͺ What They Do: Ari's

Stewart Hillhouse

How To Create Branded Content Without Sounding Phoney with David Bates

There are a thousand ways for your brand to get the attention of your audience. David Bates joins Stewart Hillhouse to explain how to ensure your story doesn't get jumbled when sharing across platforms. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: David Bates πŸ’ͺ What They Do: David is the CEO and Creative Director

Stewart Hillhouse

How To Get (And Keep) A Subscription Customer with Chase Alderton

Subscription business models require a different set of marketing skills to keep customers happy. Chase Alderton joins Stewart Hillhouse to share the common trends he's seen across 10,000+ subscription businesses. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Chase Alderton πŸ’ͺ What They Do: Chase is the Growth Marketing Manager at Recharge Payments. 🌐 Chase

Stewart Hillhouse

Why Decision Makers Are Scared Of You (And What To Do About It) with Michael Haynes

When it comes to B2B marketing, your biggest competitor is status quo. Michael Haynes joins Stewart Hillhouse to explain that a marketers greatest super power right now is the ability to listen. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Michael Haynes πŸ’ͺ What They Do: Michael is a marketing strategist, author, and B2B customer

Stewart Hillhouse

Stop Guessing What Your Customer Wants To Hear with Katelyn Bourgoin

Whoever gets closer to the customer, wins. Katelyn Bourgoin joins Stewart Hillhouse to explain how to get inside the mind of your customer to really understand what they need. Who's The Guest?πŸ‘€ Name: Katelyn Bourgoin πŸ’ͺ What They Do: Katelyn is a customer-obsessed marketer and the founder of Customer Camp. 🌐 Katelyn

Stewart Hillhouse

Reading with a Pen - How I Get Ideas From Books

For many years I was scared to write in my books - it felt like I was destroying them. But a few years ago, I tried reading with a pen and it's completely changed how I read. From Consumer to ContributorWhen you read without a pen, you're a consumer. You're